
Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to The Joint Best of ASCO® 2019 and Best of ASTRO® 2019 meeting is organized as a three-days summary of the top ranked and most influential abstracts from the Annual Meetings .that will be held 7-9 November 2019 , Le Meridian AL Khobar. The conference hosted by Oncology Center King Fahd specialist hospital Damam.

First conference in the middle licensed by ASCO and ASTRO for the first time to held booth Together Over 80 national and international renamed speakers and 1000+ participants will be gathered on the three days of conference. Advances topics in the field of oncology and radiation oncology will be present by the expert speakers in this event.

(For details please check the scientific programs).
The event will be a great opportunity to hear educational lectures focused on different aspects of clinical and radiation oncology, live discations with the expert and latest oncology and radiation oncology technology delivered by world-class pharmaceuticals and Medical companies as well offer poster exhibition and an extensive technical exhibition.


› Describe the most current data guiding cancer management decisions.
› Utilize modern radiation technology to improve patient care.
› Employ quality and safety measures in the delivery of radiation therapy.
› Incorporate knowledge of cancer biology and pathogenesis into practice.
› Evaluate use of new diagnostic techniques to apply in the management and care of patients and
screening of people at risk.
› Collaborate across specialties and other members of the available staff to provide the most effective
management of a patient with cancer.
› Review the most recent data form clinical trials and new achievements in clinical cancer research.

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