Dr. Essam Murshed

Fellow of the royal college of radiologists London UK.

Consultant clinical oncologist oncology center

prince sultan medical military city Riyadh

With special interest in breast, women cancers and urooncology

Past Deputy Director oncology department

Past Chairman of the medical advisory committee for total quality management at PSMMC.


Co-founder and general secretary of the saudi oncology society and immediate past president.


Co-founder of the saudi board of medical oncology under the saudi commission of health specialties amd member of the 1st training board.


Founding member of many charitable cancer societies.


Co-founder of the national breast cancer screening program under the ministry of health and chairman of the   Scientific advisory committee.


Member of the national executive cancer control committee under the saudi council of health.


Past Consultant saudi commission health specialties and member of the scientific societies board .


Past Director and lecturer for the MOH cancer training program for primary care physicians courses and senior consultant for MOH cancer control program.


Past member National cancer control committee saudi health council

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